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2022-12-21: https://morgan3d.github.io/quadplay/console/quadplay.html?IDE=1&&game=quad://games/friendly_fishing/&autoplay=1



2022-12-17: wiki.xxiivv.com/site/orca.html
"'Orca is a two-dimensional [esoteric programming language] in which every letter of the alphabet is an operator, where lowercase letters operate on bang, uppercase letters operate each frame.'"

2022-12-12: For Ben Jamin's Space_Time idea: github.com/junjunguo/PocketMaps

2022-12-12: Having fun with Termux.dev - Emacs on Android!
Oy, the keyboard is broken in many ways.

2022-12-11: How to Invest in the Earth Change Operating System:

ECOS uses 1 FT (Fungible Token) to fund the purchase of Land and Water rights and seeds and spores and tools and startup supplies to build productively-sovereign ecovillages owned and operated by those occupants.

ECOS uses 3 SFTs (Semi-Fungible Tokens) to organize the predictable Future Production required to produce a Basic Outcome onsite, eventually without any Imports.

We Offer:
. earthβ’Έhange: A Coin limited in circulation by Square_Meters of Land held under these Terms.
. Source_TitlesπŸ“‘: Ownership of Land, Water and other finite INPUTS of Future Production.
. Work_Contracts✍: Agreements to supply human the INPUTS of Future Production.
. Product_Tickets🎟: Agreements to deliver a finished OUTPUT of Future Production.

. You MAY buy the earthβ’Έhange Coin (β’Έ) with MoneyπŸ’³.
. You MAY buy Product_Tickets🎟 with Work_Contracts✍.
. You MAY buy Product_Tickets🎟 with MoneyπŸ’³, if offered.
. You MUST gain Source_TitlesπŸ“‘ as you complete Work_Contracts✍.
. You CANNOT buy Source_TitlesπŸ“‘ with MoneyπŸ’³.
. You CANNOT buy earthβ’Έhange with Work_Contracts✍.

The relationship between the Work_Contracts✍ and Product_Tickets🎟
differs for each Group_of_Groups, but can be found by estimating
the time required from each occupant to achieve a Basic Outcome
for that Group_of_Groups, at that location, at that time.

Before the work_auction_sequence begins,
all jobs require the same amount of time.

During the work_auction_sequence,
Work_Contracts✍ which do not receive bids
are adjusted to decrease the amount of time required
to fulfill that portion of the Basic Outcome.

For simplicity, imagine a single-product economy (such as Breadlandia) with just a handful of jobs, such as: farmer, builder, cook(er), cleaner, doctor.

Fun and easy jobs may auction quickly, while unfun (cleaner) or hard (doctor) will likely auction more slowly, so will need to be adjusted to find applicants.

The `work_auction_sequence` DECREASES the number of hours required to fulfill unpopular and/or high-skill and/or high-risk Work_Contracts.

This necessarily INCREASES the amount of time required of the other occupants to achieve the Basic Outcome they agreed upon (and so may cause a cascading adjustment).

2022-12-11: Hoping to build with WoodStreetCommons.com

157.89 Acres for $4M  https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/San-Jose-CA-95140/2087614039_zpid/

58.395 Acres for $500k  https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/0-Loma-Chiquitaita-Los-Gatos-CA-95030/2060524344_zpid/

39.66 Acres for $2M

9.5 Acres for $1.25M  https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/0-Crothers-Rd-San-Jose-CA-95127/2106064042_zpid/

2.82 Acres for $350k  https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/837-Chaparral-Rd-Boulder-Creek-CA-95006/16158740_zpid/

.56 Acres for $44k  https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/545-Sunset-Rd-Boulder-Creek-CA-95006/16157392_zpid/

2022-12-11: github.com/jvilk/BrowserFS

Today I drove to the physical location of WoodStreetCommons.com

A desolate and slightly sad but also inspiring oasis of potential.

The Party had been canceled.

I wanted to document, but also felt reverence.

A man struggled to put a bag in a box.

2022-12-10: Looking into Python on Android to find it is hilariously, predictable, boringly disallowed in some way, while iOS/iPhone is even orders-of-magnitude more difficult.

2022-12-10: Oooo so good here ... - YouTu.be/k_A2uIjEMFk?t=642 πŸ’“πŸ’”πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’˜πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ’πŸ’žπŸ’ŸπŸ€πŸ€Ž
Later,.. So many fun transitions.
3 points for both "Sun" and "Shine"
A beautiful, healing anthem.

Similar energy
except the

2022-12-10: On the Impossibility of Sharing Hardware
Where is GNU-Tube?
Why no GNU-Mail?

Can we own the Sources of Production (Land and Tools)
required to Produce and Store the Basic GOOD we need?

Bread and Software are More the Same than Different.
Whether data or

2022-12-08: GubMint -- A Coin Operated Commons

Known: Every PERSON Requires HOME and FOOD.
Known: HOME and FOOD Require LAND and WORK.

Claim: LAND must Vest to PERSONS who WORK.
Claim: LAND must be Held for HOME and FOOD.

Prep: Mint COIN to buy LAND.
Prep: Bind WORK with Contract.  \__This secures the Sources of Production
Prep: Bind LAND with Titles.    /

Prep: Make GRID and TILES

Play: Place TILES to VOTE.
Play: Trade WORK for HOME and FOOD.
Play: Gain LAND as WORK is done.


Apply to Occupy, and if you QUALIFY,
you may SIGN Work_Contracts to achieve
the Future Production we know we need.

Work_Contracts TOKENIZE the human INPUTS of Future Production.
Source_Titles TOKENIZE all other INPUTS of Future Production.
Product_Tickets TOKENIZE the human OUTPUTS of Future Production.

Select Product_Tickets to Vote on Future Production.
Place Product_Tiles on the GRID to Vote on the location of Future Production.
Gaid Source_Titles as Work_Contracts are completed.