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See: LENS, earthChange Operating System
== Work to Own and Own for Goods to Ensure a Basic Outcome.
Society requires Production.
Production requires Land and Work.
We can OWN Land and we can TRADE Work to secure our essential supply-chains.
We can OWN Land to thereby OWN future Goods even before they are produced!
We can TRADE Work by signing 1 Contract✍ in return for a bundle of Tickets🎫.
. Own and work in Groups-of-Groups as productively sovereign units.
. Each occupant must sign a Work_Contract✍ toward fulfilling future production.
. Each occupant must be able to wash, eat, dress and rest.
. Each occupant must gain Land Ownership as they complete Contracts✍.
## Ricardian Tokens
Product_Ticket🎟: A request to achieve "all steps" toward fulfilling a Product_Ticket🎟.
Work_Contract✍: A commitment to achieve "one step" toward fulfilling a Product_Ticket🎟.
Source_Title🗂: Property ownership of LAND and water rights and mineral rights and other finite things
COIN: Limited by the M² of LAND.
BANK: A way to mint and trade Tokens.
The BANK mints 1 COIN for each M² of LAND, then sells those COINs to buy that LAND.
The BANK mints a bundle of Product_Tickets🎟 representing a Basic Outcome for all occupants.
Each Product_Ticket🎟 has an associated set of Work_Contracts✍ and a set of Source_Titles🗂 which ensure that PRODUCTION.
The BANK asks for Work_Contract✍ signatures required to produce that "Basic Outcome".
asks for all required to produce
The BANK offers all Product_Tickets🎟 in exchange for all Work_Contracts✍.
You may sign one Work_Contract✍ to select many different Product_Tickets🎟.
Each occupant must receive all Product_Tickets🎟 of a "Basic Outcome".
As you complete Work_Contracts✍, you gain Source_Titles🗂 where you placed Product_Tickets🎟.
The LAND/WORK gain-rate is calculated as $/M² divided by $/Hour
The Source_Title🗂 "gain-rate" must decrease as that occupant's total holding increases.
Product_Tickets🎟 may be sold for Money.
earthChange: A Fungible Token (coin) sold by the DAO to buy land, tools and startup supplies needed to begin.
Product_Ticket🎟: A legally-binding claim over the future production of a specific good or service at a projected quality and quantity and delivery date, often as a recurring event.
Work_Contract: A legally-binding commitment to fulfill future production, often as a recurring event.
Source_Title: A legally-binding proof of property ownership in the physical Sources required for production, such as land, water rights, mineral rights, etc.
DAO: A simple interface to manage these legal instruments.
The DAO asks for land suitable to build Minimum Viable Villages.
The DAO begins the coin_auction_sequence at that minimum_bid.
The DAO mints essential Product_Tickets🎟 specific to that location.
The DAO asks for all the Work_Contracts to fulfill all of those Product_Tickets.
For each parcel, the DAO begins the earthChange coin_auction_sequence, offering ½ of the supply for that parcel.
After 24 hours, or until minimum_bid is met, the DAO then offers ½ of the remaining earthChange, and so on until the supply for that parcel is sold.
minimum_bid of each earthChange is set by (land_price + startup_costs) / M².
startup_costs include:
Tools and supplies required for Day1 of occupation.
Tools and supplies for shared meals.
Temporary structures while first permanent structures are built.
Tools and supplies required to fulfill all essential Product_Tickets we do not yet produce.
Fees and Taxes of the host governments.
For each listing, the DAO begins the work_auction_sequence, offering all jobs at a Compensation Ratio of 1.
After 24 hours, or until ½ of the Work_Contracts are signed, the Compensation Ratio increases for all remaining jobs.
Fun and easy jobs may auction quickly, at a lower Compensation Ratios, while unfun and high-skill jobs may auction slowly, at higher Compensation Ratios.
If both auctions succeed, the DAO buys the land and declares the first day of work!
The DAO mints one Source_Title for each set of Product_Tickets being fulfilled at that location. In other words, each Product_Ticket must be "backed by" (or you might say "are only as valid as") the Source_Titles and Work_Contracts required to ensure that production.
The DAO vests Source_Titles as Work_Contracts are fulfilled.
You may propose any real-estate listing to the DAO.
You may buy any amount of earthChange with money.
earthChange does not represent property ownership and conveys no rights of governance and is not redeemable for any good or service.
You may apply to become an Owner_Occupant "in general" (meaning you are willing to move almost anywhere) or at a specific location.
Each Owner_Occupant must:
Sign a Work_Contract to fulfill part of an essential Product_Ticket. OR Relinquish some Source_Titles which will be sold to cover recurring costs.
Gain Source_Titles as they fulfill Work_Contracts. This means the DAO must vest property ownership of land, water rights, mineral rights, etc. to you, as you complete the work you agreed to do.
The Source_Title "gain rate" decreases as your total ownership increases. This means the 'poor' (those who own the least) gain ownership much faster than the 'rich' (those who own the most).
Invest some profit "for the user who paid it". For example, if you have extra Honey at the end of the year, you may offer it to others, with no limit on the price you may charge, but some of that profit must buy even more Sources, and those new Source_Titles must vest to the person who paid that profit. This causes all users to gain ownership in the Sources of the goods and services they need.
Gain personal property (maybe even Sole Proprietorship) of all of the Land Titles, Water Rights and Mineral Rights required to maintain a private dwelling and produce bare necessities in isolation.
Gain Group-of-Groups property at the MVV level because of roads and borders.
Allowed to gently exclude, to help each Person find their best Group, and each Group find their best Group_of_Groups, etc.
Each Owner_Occupant may:
Hold Source_Titles (such as a Tree) to hold future goods (such as Fruit).
Hold Work_Contract signatures of others to hold future services (picking Fruit).
Propose new Product_Tickets for any good or service you can imagine.
Sign Work_Contracts to buy Product_Tickets.
Sell Product_Tickets for money.
Buy Product_Tickets with money, if being offered.
Govern production through the ChangeMaker grid.
Require Workers adhere to arbitrary rules.
Gain Group property (maybe a variation of Tenancy in Common).
Each DAO should offer Worker Guilds to ease onboarding and increase Product_Ticket fulfillment by spreading risk across skilled groups.
Source_Title allocation (the actual location of the land you receive) is based on the Product_Tickets you chose, not the Work_Contracts you fulfill.
The owner_occupied- core generates no financial returns as Product_Tickets are redeemed except when surplus is sold for money.
In 'hybrid' mode, some monetary profit may be used to pay traditional investors.
Each Product_Ticket represents a single instance of a specific good or service, and therefore requires unique Source_Titles and Work_Contracts for that production.
Each Product_Ticket is initially-invalid and finally-expiring, with a "Window of Validity" defined by real limitations of production and storage required for that good or service.
Each owner_occupant must gain the Source_Titles required to produce a Basic Outcome.
The maximum Source_Titles per owner_occupant is limited by the Source_Titles required by others.
"'The Earth Change Operating System (ECOS) joins all ecologic and economic efforts to make Minimum Viable Villages, each producing all essential goods and services onsite. ECOS will use the For_Product model as the economic kernel.'" -- gitlab.com/Patrick-T-Anderson/earth-change-operating-system