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2019-03-25: Earth Change ᛯ in planning at Kickstarter.com/projects/712902160/76969456

2019-03-24: Launched Product-Futures-Foundation.github.io

2019-03-24: Square Foot Title: Each 'token' is a deed of ownership over 1 sq_ft of real estate.

2019-03-24: "'“Community control of land” sounds straightforward, but in practice it can be limited, fleeting, or difficult to achieve due to high property costs and the social, legal, and financial challenges of collectivizing property ownership.'" -- Medium.com/@ecovillagers_alliance/community-land-without-grants-and-debt-689538d53dbd

                DSLs for Ethereum Contracts
A good smart contract language is a $1 billion problem.
-- MichaelBurge.us/2018/05/15/ethereum-chess-engine.html

2019-03-22: "'Finally, the most promising thing that this system offers is a stronger pressure towards automation and a society where the machines work for the living instead of the living working for the machine.'" -- GeorgeMolson153.WOrdpress.com/2008/10/15/a-modern-resolution-to-the-enclosure-of-the-commons

2019-03-22: RoboJoe

2019-03-22: BotPop: AI characters on your screen for advice and entertainment.
If you agree, the microphone and cameras give them ears and eyes.

2019-03-22: ScamTV: Film self and screen while battling and stopping scammers.

2019-03-16: https://github.com/AutarkLabs/flock/blob/autark-proposal/teams/Autark/2019Q1-2.md

2019-03-11: Trying to follow https://docs.decentraland.org/getting-started/installation-guide

2019-03-11: ~/work/builder/

$ git clone  https://github.com/decentraland/builder.git
$ cd builder
$ echo "NODE_PATH=src/" > .env
$ echo "REACT_APP_MANA_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=0x2a8fd99c19271f4f04b1b7b9c4f7cf264b626edb" >> .env
$ npm install
$ npm start

Browser opens http://localhost:3000 but never fully loads.

Is there a way to turn-on logging or debug mode?

Each person needs about 1/10th acre (4,356 sq_ft) for food according to calculations by MarshallBrain.com/mars.htm

House Party
Earth Change Marketplace
Verified Organics
Worker Guilds
Virtual Concensus

== Definitions:
Earth Change
Titles represent the INPUTS of production: Land, Labor and Capital.
Tickets represent the OUTPUTS of production: Goods and Services.

2019-03-07: DecentraLand.org uses two tokens: MANA and Land.

2019-03-06: ripess.eu/citizen-currencies-strengthen-agricultural-supply-chains/?fbclid=IwAR0ivsIe_hQWWdShNhEVN-wSXEzHSkCtQFoZNuV59PupQVxW-4_5O5uYgQ4

2019-03-06: YouTube.com/watch?v=zKiOj10M5Cw&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1d8VP8vMOJh2V3u1CxtEQUnz830W0RVpR_z1Hlajob9SVukQkfQf7V12s

2019-03-05: blog.P2PFoundation.net/beyond-bitcoin-and-ethereum%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8aa-fairer-and-more-just-post-monetary-sociopolitical-economy/2019/02/16

2019-03-05: Trying to get the DecentraLand.org Scene Builder to run.
omg, can npm jus werk?

2019-03-05: Working on github.com/daostack/DAOstack-Hackers-Kit

$ npm run launch-local

npm ERR! code EEXIST
npm ERR! Refusing to delete /usr/share/man/man1/npx.1: ../../../lib/node_modules/npm/man/man1/npx.1 symlink target is not controlled by npm /usr/share/man/man1
npm ERR! File exists: /usr/share/man/man1/npx.1
npm ERR! Move it away, and try again.

$ sudo rm /usr/share/man/man1/npx.1 # Oh, had another version in the way

$ sudo npm -g install npx
$ npm run launch-local

2019-03-05: EcoVillage.org >>Global Ecovillage Network    Catalyzing Communities for a Regenerative World    The Global Ecovillage Network envisions a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing pathways to a regenerative future, while building bridges of hope and international solidarity.

2019-03-05: Laid-off 6 weeks into a 6 month contract of BrightScript programming for DirectTV/AT&T in El Segundo.

2019-03-04: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/495887999922470916/505717540509581352/How_to_DAO_2_recording.jpg