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Imagine a small island with 7 Homes for 5 people (A, B, C, D, E).

A owns 3 Homes
B owns 2 Homes
C owns 1 Home
D owns 0 Homes
E owns 0 Homes

A never pays Rent, and MUST receive Rent from either D or E.
B never pays Rent, and MAY receive Rent from either D or E.

C NEVER pays Rent and NEVER receives Rent.

D and E MUST pay Rent to either A or B.

We could own Homes to STOP Rent.
We could own Land to STOP Profit for predictable Goods and Services.

So why don't we do it?

Well, Land requires Money, and those with Money want Rent or Profit.

Could we Mint a Coin limited by M² Land,
then sell those Coins to Buy that Land?

We could then organize as Groups-of-Groups to build rent-free, owner-occupied, productively-sovereign private-cities!
Each of these may also Group, recursively, to reach higher goals.

We could also mint 3 Semi-Fungible Tokens (SFTs) to structure production:

Source_Titles: Property ownership of land, water, and other finite things.
Product_Tickets: Semi-Fungible OUTPUTS of future production.
Work_Contracts: Each is a single STEP in a Product_Ticket supply chain.

We then trade Work_Contract signatures for Product_Tickets.
This allows Users to control and ensure future production.

Following the teachings of Saint IGNUcius,
we mimic the GNU GPL Copyright License
and vest those Sources to those Users.

This stabilizes the system
as control is localized
and Rent is minimized.

2022-10-27: HyperCore-Protocol.org >> Peer-to-peer data sharing

2022-10-27: github.com/michal-wrzosek/p2p-chat

2022-10-27: "Build on Error" is like PAGE_FAULT in an Operating System.
The experience would be like:
    User asks for: """Some OUTPUT (Good or Service) that does not exist."""
    System asks for: """The INPUTS (Land and Work) for that production."""

2022-10-21: Restaurant messaging -- https://vimeo.com/498735070

Rewrite Product_Tickets and Work_Contracts in SmallTalk?

2022-10-15: Can we use Socket.io browser-side?

2022-10-05: Working on GoG at ~/work/GoG

2022-10-05: Fixing LENS

2022-10-03: Space Split - Cells are Minimum Viable Villages, each Organelle representing some part in one of the supply-chains for essential production.

2022-10-03: Muffle - Near Source Active Noise Cancellation

Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) is really just a pair of microphones and speakers.

As the microphone moves closer to the source,
less hardware is needed to cancel that noise.

A frame or dome could hold the mics and speakers.
Dust and contaminants could also be vacuumed away.

On a vehicle, it also acts as a rollcage.

2022-10-01: A Less Dismal Science

The profit motive will finally seek scarcity.
It destroys and withholds to keep price high.

This is drives
us into an abyss of

    Work + Land * (Tools + 1) + TIME  = Goods and Services

land        goods
work        service

We can own land 'early' and trade work 'early' to insure the future production we need.

We will mint a coin limited by land,
then sell that coin to buy that land.

We will Build Permacultured Cities to fill our own Needs
by Owning in Groups-of-Groups as Minimum_Viable_Villages.

## The Magic of Money
Some say money measures value.
But what value is being measured?

We are told to hodl as numbers go up,
Buy where does that value come from?

When Product is value, Abundance is king.
But when Profit is value, Scarcity reigns.

In a Home we want the Work to be done.
We seek full abundance and automation.

But when we Own a shop on the street,
Profit may tempt us to seek Scarcity.

Workers scramble to earn a Wage,
while Rent keeps them enslaved.

We can limit Money by true scarcity
of land and other finite things.


Worse is better because it makes churn.
And churn is what profit depends upon.

We know scarcity increases profit,
so fixing is a beginner's mistake!

Perpetual problems mean perpetual profit.

Now hold on, that is so very dire!
How can Mom and Pop otherwise pay,
the debt the could have never dodged?


Owners seek to keep price above cost,
while Consumers Work to buy those things.

But if Consumers could be Owners,
in a GNU (old) way,

Some Consumers are Owners, but rarer nowadays.

The profit motive drives us into the abyss seeking scarcity.